Thinklum News

A Parent's Guide to Roblox Lua Coding Classes for Kids

Roblox Adventures: A Parent's Guide to Roblox L...

So, your kids are obsessed with Roblox – the virtual wonderland of endless games and activities. But did you know there's more to it than meets the eye? Dive into...

Roblox Adventures: A Parent's Guide to Roblox L...

So, your kids are obsessed with Roblox – the virtual wonderland of endless games and activities. But did you know there's more to it than meets the eye? Dive into...

Python for Kids A Fun Ride into the World of Coding!

Python for Kids: A Fun Ride into the World of C...

So, your kid is showing an interest in coding? Fantastic! Ever heard of Python? It's like the superhero of programming languages for kids, and here's why.

Python for Kids: A Fun Ride into the World of C...

So, your kid is showing an interest in coding? Fantastic! Ever heard of Python? It's like the superhero of programming languages for kids, and here's why.

The Parent’s Guide to Minecraft Classes for Kids

The Parent’s Guide to Minecraft Classes for Kids

As a parent, you've likely encountered the buzz around Minecraft, the unique computer game captivating the imaginations of children worldwide. But did you know that beyond being a source of...

The Parent’s Guide to Minecraft Classes for Kids

As a parent, you've likely encountered the buzz around Minecraft, the unique computer game captivating the imaginations of children worldwide. But did you know that beyond being a source of...

Nurturing Critical Thinking in Kids for Lifelong Success

Unlocking Genius: Nurturing Critical Thinking i...

Hey parents, ever wondered what's the secret sauce behind your kid's success in language and literacy? It's called critical thinking, and trust me, it's a game-changer. Let's break it down...

Unlocking Genius: Nurturing Critical Thinking i...

Hey parents, ever wondered what's the secret sauce behind your kid's success in language and literacy? It's called critical thinking, and trust me, it's a game-changer. Let's break it down...

Unlocking Potential The Advantages of Coding for Kids

Unlocking Potential: The Advantages of Coding f...

In this fast-changing world, acquiring essential skills is crucial, regardless of the career path one chooses. Beyond the tech boom and job market, coding offers numerous benefits, especially when kids...

Unlocking Potential: The Advantages of Coding f...

In this fast-changing world, acquiring essential skills is crucial, regardless of the career path one chooses. Beyond the tech boom and job market, coding offers numerous benefits, especially when kids...

How Childhood Aspirations Shape Future Achievements

How Childhood Aspirations Shape Future Achievem...

Hey parents, ever wonder how those childhood dreams your kids have can impact their future success? Well, recent research delves into just that. Spoiler alert: it's not just about background...

How Childhood Aspirations Shape Future Achievem...

Hey parents, ever wonder how those childhood dreams your kids have can impact their future success? Well, recent research delves into just that. Spoiler alert: it's not just about background...