Parents think about their kids future education

Why do you worry about your child's education and future?

Parents think about their kids future education

Why most of parents who care about kids have a continuous feeling of worry about their kids education and future?

A modern educational system teaches kids the knowledge and experience of the past, it shows children the typical solutions created by previous generations. However, all new challenges and problems of the future world do not have solutions in the past. New solutions and out of the box thinking will be required and valued.

It means the classical education including mathematics and science or even technology (coding, robotics) will not help children much in their future. Learning tools will not guarantee your child anything, learning complex concepts and way of thinking creatively and innovatively will play the defining role in your child’s success. And here we mean success at school, university and professional career.

What skills should children acquire to succeed?

Parents and teachers have to focus on teaching children creativity and innovative thinking, solving unusual and not typical problems, information analysis and ability to work with various types of information, communication and teamwork.


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