When we were starting with robotics 4 years ago we wanted to make robotics available to as many students as possible.
The biggest issue in the most of the robotics clubs and schools is the price of robotics kits or robots parents have to buy for their kids. Most of schools only lease robots and take them when the class is over. As a result students spend lots of time on taking robots apart. But do you really want to pay for this?
So we made a decision we would invest into our students and would give them robotics kits (robots) as soon as they enroll into the class. Now every student who attends our club takes his/her robot home. It allows children to work on their projects at home, play with it or take it apart when at home and not in a class. It means parents pay for acquiring knowledge.
Our students also bring their robots when they participate in competitions or science fairs.
Isn’t it great? Learn more about our club here.